“The Durham County Library’s annual Comics Fest has become an annual spotlight for the diversity of comics – not just in subject matter and audience, but in how comics are made.”
—Indy Week reporter and comics writer Zack Smith
“Imagine the tiniest SPX-like indie comics show. Then you’d have Durham Comics Fest.”
—Knight Life cartoonist Keith Knight
Durham Comics Fest is an annual, all-ages celebration of comics and graphic novels, with an emphasis on supporting a community of comics readers and creators.
As a program of Durham County Library, Durham Comics Fest is free and open to the public. The event is on hiatus due to COVID-19, but we hope to return as soon as it is safe to do so.
Durham Comics Fest was created in 2011 by Amy Godfrey, former Manager of the Children’s Unit at Southwest Regional Library, with support from the Friends of the Durham Library.